There is a multitude of manufacturers and companies producing power tools. Many of them are very popular and produce excellent tools. But what about Bosch and Metabo. Two German brands that have been producing power tools for decades? Which one is the best? Let’s look into the review of Bosch Vs Metabo.
Our Verdict
Both Bosch and Metabo have a wide range of products. If you are looking for a prograde tool, then Bosch is the one to choose from. They make great products which offer excellent quality. They have also pioneered a lot of modern technologies. The most modern feature is the wireless charging system for batteries of power tools.
But if you are in a budget, then Metabo is the right choice. Even though the price difference for Bosch and Metabo are slim, Metabo has the upper hand. They achieve such a feat by offering interchangeable parts between tools. This helps to decrease the number of such parts, which will save money in the long run.
Bosch Vs Metabo: Comparison Chart
Specification | Bosch | Metabo |
Build Quality | Superior Build Quality | Inferior to Bosch |
Ergonomics | Good Ergonomics | Better Ergonomics |
Warranty | One year, if you register online within four weeks after buying it and the warranty is extended to 3 years | A product based varies from 1 to 5 for different products |
Product Portfolio | Large | Large |
Pricing | Draw | Draw |
Long Term Cost | Costlier | Cheaper |
Wireless Charging | Yes | No |
Bosch Vs Metabo: Differences
1. Build Quality
Bosch products have been long known for their build quality. They have a wide range of products. Also, those products were well regarded for their quality. Their products have demonstrated a longer life span and better core power usage.
Bottom Line: Bosch Wins
2. Ergonomics
In ergonomics departments, Metabo has a better hand. Their tools often are the best when it comes to ergonomics. But lately, there have been complaints about their switch positioning.
Bottom Line: Bosch Wins
3. Warranty
Both the manufacturer’s offer warranty for their tools. But both are different. Bosch has a rather simpler warranty program. They offer a 1- year warranty for all their privately owned tools. Though it is short, you can expand it to 3-years. But you register the tool in their online platform within four weeks after purchasing it. In the case of domestic tools, Bosch offers a 2-year warranty period.
In the case of Metabo HPT, the story is quite different. Their warranty program is often product-specific. For example, their saws and benchtop products have a 2-year warranty. But their battery-powered tools have a 5-year warranty. But their corded power tools often are covered with a basic 1-year warranty.
Bottom Line: It is Tie
4. Product Portfolio
Both manufacturers have a different approach in their product design, manufacturing, and marketing. Bosch manufactures prograde power tools. But they are affordable for the performance and quality it offers. They have a wide range of products starting from impact drivers to benchtop saws and more. Bosch has a much superior high precision equipment and lasers. They also have well-priced measuring equipment that Metabo lacks.
Metabo HPT also has a wide range of products. Though they lack in the measuring equipment department, they make up for it in pneumatics. They have a wide range of pneumatic nailers and staplers.
Bottom Line: It is Tie
5. Long Term Affordability
The difference in pricing of equipment is small. But, Metabo has an edge in interchangeability. Often their products have interchangeable parts such as batteries. You can use the same batteries on many types of equipment. Make sure they meet the power requirements of the tool. Bosch does not have such a feature as of now. This can increase the cost in the long run.
Bottom Line: Metabo Wins
Bosch Vs Metabo: Similarities
1. Product Performance
Both manufacturer’s tools offer similar performance. There are niche ones that often undercut the other in specific terms. Such terms being either price or performance. Tools in comparable sections usually deliver comparable performances.
2. Equipment Pricing
The pricing of Bosch and Metabo are quite similar. Often for different products, there is variation. But when their large product portfolio is considered, such changes can be small.
Bosch Vs Metabo: History
Both power tool companies have been around for a while. Let’s dive deep into their history.
The German multinational company Bosch is headquartered in Gerlingen, in Germany. Robert Bosch founded it in 1886. Their business is spread across many sectors. Such sectors are mow focused into four categories. They are mobility, consumer goods, industrial technology, and energy and building technology.
Bosch started with the world’s 1st reliable low voltage magneto ignition devices. They started producing it in 1887. The improved low voltage magneto ignition devices started production in 1897. Their 1st factory was opened in 1901 in Germany. They became the supplier of ignition components for German tanks during the wars.
In 1942, Robert Bosch died at age 80. Over the years, they increased their presence in various industries and manufacturing sectors. They bought shares and companies and sold some of their own.
Metabo HPT
Metabo is the new name of Koki Holding America. Koki Holding America was a part of the Hitachi group until 2018. They now manufacture tools under a new name in North America.
The parent company of Metabo HPT, Koki Holdings Co, Ltd, partnered with KKR in 2017. This led to the transition and formation of Metabo HPT. It is the same tools but under a different name. Metabo HPT is now a brand within Koki Holdings America Ltd, under Koki Holdings Co, Ltd.
Hitachi Koki started operations as the manufacturer of coal mining machinery. Later, they started producing electric power tools and pneumatic tools. In 198s, Hitachi Power Tools USA was established. From there onwards, they have been at the forefront of innovation. Over the years, they have changed operations and names. But their products and innovative features have remained the same.
Bosch Vs Metabo: Standalone Features
- Nano Blade: It is a saw blade technology based on a saw blade with a revolving micro-chain.
- Starlock: Developed together with Fein. Starlock mounting system ensures power transfer from the tool to the accessory is optimal. This results in higher power, precise results, and faster work results.
- Kickback Control: Ensures there are no kickbacks. If the sensor detects sudden blockage, then it will shut the motor down. It is now equipped with Universal Impact 800 and the Max Impact 900 impact drivers.
- Drill Assistant: Helps start drilling at a set location with the same depth as that of the screw plug. The integrated dust box collects dust to ensure a clean and safe working environment.
- Easy Drill 12: It is the easiest handling drill/driver in the world. It weighs only 900 grams and is only 19cm long.
- Wireless Charging System: Bosch offers induction charging for the batteries. It was a revolutionary idea that ensured efficient work hours.
- The Bosch Pocket Assistant: Helps you to access all information about a particular product. All you have to do is to scan the product or accessory packing using the Bosch Pocket Assistant app.-
- Track My Tools: Help track and locate your tools using an inbuilt app on your smartphone and Bluetooth.
- Ultra-M technology: Ensures the highest performance, efficient charging, and best energy usage. This ensures a longer life span for both the tool and the batteries.
- Metabo Quick Tool Change: Metabo supports quick tool change without needing specific tools. It is more ergonomic and safer.
- Motor Brake and Metabo Disc Brake: Motor brae helps to stop the saw blade in 3 seconds. In normal circumstances, it takes longer than that. Metabo Disc Brake helps to stop a slowing disc brake in 2 seconds. Both these features help to reduce the risk of accidents.
- Metabo Vibra-Tech: Metabo’s Vibra tech helps to reduce the vibrations produced by their power tools. Over the years, they have produced tools that offer dampened vibration than competitors.
- Auto Clean Plus: A useful feature found in various Metabo products. Many of their products have automatic filter cleaning in continuous usage.
1. Which is the best brand among the two?
2. Which are the cheaper ones among the two?
3. I am looking for a quality tool. I am upgrading from the existing corded DeWalt to a cordless one. Which brand should I choose? Would I rather go for quality than affordability?
4. Which brand offers a longer warranty for corded tools?
5. Is kickback control in Bosch’s product effective?
6. Which one has superior build quality?
Final Talk
Choosing a brand over another is often based on your needs. Each brand has its signature products or product categories. Often, they are the market leaders in such classes. But right now, brands have set their priority is offering value for money products. Such an adoption, in principle, is great for the buyers. They are often spoiled by the sheer number of offers from different manufacturers.
If you are looking for a prograde tool, then Bosch is the one to choose from. They make great products which offer excellent quality. They have also pioneered a lot of modern technologies.
But if you are in a budget, then Metabo is the right choice. Even though the price difference for Bosch and Metabo are slim, Metabo has the upper hand. They achieve such a feat by offering interchangeable parts between tools. This helps to decrease the number of such parts, which will save money in the long run.
Metabo has 2 distinct tools’ lines:
1. The original German made Metabo.
2. The ex-Hitachi/Hikoki Chinese made line.
The 1st one, the German made, is amongst the very best, superior to Bosch, and quite expensive.
The 2nd line is good/mediocre, but price competitive.
This should’ve been noted in the review.
Both are good hand tools bosch & metabo i proved it
Used both over the years, as well as Makita, DeWalt, Hitachi (now rebranded as HiKoki), Milwaukee, etc.
There is too much bias in this article, even a seasoned power tool user will not notice any difference at all between top professional brands, it essentially comes down to which range of tools suits your purpose better and what your favourite bloody colour is.
Considering the main expense for anyone with high usage rates is the batteries (roughly 1000 charge cycles), I would expect brands like Metabo and HiKoki will only become more popular in the industry as their tools and batteries are all interchangeable and on top of that offer multivolt capabilities now